It's possible your question can be answered here, but if not (or you wish for more clarification) we encourage you to contact us on twitter!

Q: Can more games be added?

A: yes, of course! However since this site is founded more from the perspectives of the Call of Duty scene, help may be required to make that happen.

Q: When will TOURNAMENT and lan support come?

A: As of right now I am just one guy, so tournaments in the same way leagues are done is tricky. I am currently working on how this site can approach that aspect of the AM scene. Any ideas or suggestions to reach this goal feel free to reach out!

Q: What qualifies a league/event to be part of the site?

A: Right now it takes some personal prior knowledge of a leagues operations, reliability, and contact for leagues featured here. That can change, and any league is free to apply and join, but as of right now it's a core group that I'm familiar with and have gotten consent to add to this site. Any vetting/approval for any unknown league (at least to me) would need proof of legitimate operations (number of events run, any partners, length of operation, and possibly community feed back). A form can be found here for any league/event looking to be featured.

Q: Why is information missing or outdated

A: This site requires participation for the league/events on the site, and the community. This site operates off of what the organizers give us and when. Though some info can be filled out with some research on my end, it takes time and effort to keep everything up to date. If there is incorrect or out dated info on the site please contact us so we can try our best to correct and update any mistakes or information here.